MDriven Designer Features & Settings

The MDriven Designer interface consists of six major components:

  1. Main Menu Bar: Located at the top of the screen.
  2. Tool Bar: Situated directly below the main menu bar.
  3. Diagram Area: Situated directly below the tool bar.
  4. Model Tree: Located to the right of the diagram area, overlapping the tool bar area but not the main menu bar.
  5. Property Inspector: Situated below the model tree.
  6. Start Easy Wiki Access: Collapsible and situated directly below the diagram area.

These components form the backbone of the MDriven Designer interface, providing you with the tools and features you need to efficiently design and manage your models.

The Main Menu Bar

The main menu bar is located at the top of the screen and provides access to all the primary functions of MDriven Designer. Here, you can find options like File, Edit, View, and Help. Each of these menus contains a variety of commands that allow you to create, modify, and manage your models. For example, under 'File,' you can open a new project or save your current work.

Tool Bar

Next, we have the tool bar, which is situated directly below the main menu bar. The tool bar offers quick access to frequently used tools and commands. Some of the key tools you'll find here include:

  • Start Wizard (Easy Wiki Access): Provides easy access within the bottom left pane in the Designer interface.
  • Prototype and Test Tool: Pulls up the system prototyper, which helps the developer further modify their data model.
  • Next and Previous Tool: Helps the user easily switch between model diagrams.
  • Association Mode Tools: Helps the user drag out arrows/lines to associate two classes or to find a class and a relation to give the association class
  • Diagram Reference Window: (definition)
  • View Model Editor: Pulls up the ViewModel Editor, which helps the developer organize how the client will view webpages.
  • Turnkey Live-Editor: Pulls up the ViewModel Editor using a Turnkey server as a host, helping the developer make changes quickly on a model running live on a Turnkey server.
  • Styles in Model Tool: Pulls up the styles in the model, which helps the developer create custom color styles that can be inherited throughout the model globally.
  • Actions Editor: Pulls up the Action Editor.
  • AccessGroups Editor: Pulls up AccessGroups Editor that makes it possible to define user groups and what these groups are allowed to see and edit within the developed application.
  • Model Check and Report Errors Tool: Shows all the errors during the process of data model design for the developer to easily catch them.
  • Enterprise Architect Information Window: (definition)
  • CloudForm - Cloud Connection Tool: (definition)
  • Overview Tool: Similar to the Next and Previous Tool, it helps switch between model diagrams.

These tools enhance your workflow and make it easier to navigate and modify your models efficiently.

Model Tree

On the left side of the interface, you'll see the model tree. The model tree is a hierarchical view of all the elements in your project. It provides a structured way to navigate through your classes, diagrams, and other model elements. By expanding and collapsing the nodes, you can easily locate and select the components you need to work on.

Property Inspector

Finally, on the right side, we have the property inspector. The property inspector displays detailed information about the selected element in your model. Here, you can view and edit properties, such as names, types, and attributes. It's an essential tool for fine-tuning your models and ensuring all elements are correctly configured.

Test the Tools

Now that we've covered the main components of the UI, let's see how to use some of these tools in action. For example, to create a new class, click on the 'New Class' button in the tool bar, then click on the diagram area to place the class. You can then use the property inspector to name the class and define its attributes.

Watch this tutorial on navigating the user interface of MDriven Designer. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please refer to the help menu in the Designer or visit our support page.

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